Michelle Bachmann rose to national attention with her call for the news media to conduct an investigation of Congress for un-American policies. But the hypocrite does not have to look any further than her own cloakroom and her own voting record.
What could be more un-American than promoting the off-shoring of American jobs?
Yet, that is what Republicans favor. They voted to allow companies to deduct from their taxable income the expenses of off-shoring jobs and of shipping equipment overseas.
It would be one thing if only the nutcase Michelle Bachmann voted for it – but that is not what happened. The entire Republican Party voted for it, including the purported Speaker to be, John Boehner. The Republican Party favors sending your jobs offshore. They favor a global labor market, driving down the cost and power of American labor. They cheerfully toast the screwing of the middle class. It drives up their profits, their wealth, their power.
It is anti-American.
Democrats do have something to say about this, but their voices are too polite, too weak. It is not clear and concise. It gets all muddled with other words that are good for policy wonks, but do not touch peoples' guts. They are so weak in their answer that no one hears them.
So, I will shout this:
A vote for any Republican is a vote to send your job to a foreign country!
That is why business, both domestic and foreign, is buying the election for Republicans.
The political ads I would put out there:
One ad shows George Bush speaking to the black-tied, bejeweled dinner calling them "his base"; then shows Joe Barton apologizing to BP; then fade to American workers walking out of a plant while the foreign workers walk in.
Another ad shows the white-haired gent who runs the Chamber of Commerce showing a list of their foreign contributors, then showing a scene of American factory workers walking out of their plants and foreign workers walking into American manufacturing plants.
Then, with these ads (pictures worth more than 1000 words), maybe the electorate will understand that Republicans are for off-shoring American jobs.