Friday, September 11, 2009

Help defeat Joe Wilson

Let’s help defeat the man who yelled “You Lie!” at the President. No President has ever been treated so rudely during a speech to a joint session of Congress. No one has ever directly yelled a character-assassinating word at any President during a speech to Congress.

Wilson not only showed his true colors, he has been declared a hero by the rightwing nuts. Many have admitted that they were thinking what Wilson shouted out. Yet, they are the ones who have it wrong. President Obama is telling the truth.

Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) finds himself vulnerable for re-election in the wake of his "You lie!" outburst during President Obama's address to Congress, according to the latest numbers from Public Policy Polling. Since his outburst, Rep. Wilson (R-S.C.) now trails challenger Rob Miller 44 to 43 percent in the poll.

62% of voters in his district say they disapprove of Wilson's actions while just 29% think they were okay. Overall, 49% of voters say that Wednesday's incident made them less likely to vote for Wilson in the future, while 35% said it made them more likely to do so.

"In a matter of seconds Joe Wilson turned himself from a safe incumbent into one of the most vulnerable Republicans in the country for 2010," said Dean Debnam, president of Public Policy Polling.

On Thursday morning, Miller's Web site was pointing to a donation page on ActBlue , which bills itself as the "online clearing house for Democratic action." On the DailyKos, Rob Miller is thanking people for giving over $1 million in small contributions--in less than 48 hours.

If you want to help defeat Joe Wilson and put Rob Miller, an Iraq veteran and Democrat, in his seat, then go here: